Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jessica. I took Accutane for the full 6 months when I was 18-years old

I took Accutane for the full 6 months when I was 18-years old. I'm now almost 26 and my skin is still much better. I never really broke out until I started college and I had severe cystic acne. I had tried everything else and eventually settled on Accutane. I will tell you that it was probably the worst 6 months of my life. My acne was so extremely bad during the first 5 months that I almost quit taking it. Worse than the acne was my dry lips. I cannot over-emphasize the word 'dry'. I couldn't even open my mouth. I did suffer from minor depression while I was on the medication, but I think it was partly due to how my face looked at the time during my first semester away from home. All of a sudden, in my 6th month, I had absolutely no pimples. My lips were still awful because I was still taking the medication, but my acne was completely gone. I finished off the cycle and I was done. My lips healed and my skin never looked better. For an entire year after I stopped the Accutane, I did not have a single pimple. My face was impeccable. I occasionally break out for hormonal and stress reasons, but nothing to the extent that I did 7 years ago. My skin is still sensitive and I have to be careful with what kind of makeup and face products I use, but other than that, no problems. Accutane absolutely worked for me, but not without any pain. Accutane will not work within a couple weeks and it will definitely get a lot worse before it gets better, but trust me when I say to stick with it. It is all worth it in the end, I promise.

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