Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gianna. Ive had acne for 4years and have tried everything.

Ive had acne for 4years and have tried everything. I'm almost done with my second month of accutane. The process was very annoying in the beginning, especially being a woman and having to answer IPledge questions every month. If you are about to start just know that you must get blood taken every month, go to the dermo, and then they will approve your prescription to be picked up at the pharmacist. My face only got worse around my chin area, this is because i had originally taken birth control for my acne prior to starting accutane. I am in my second month and couldn't be happier with how my skin looks. My only problem is the side effects. REALLY DRY LIPS (even worse in the winter)buy the giant tube of aquaphor and buy small ones to keep in a bag. THIS IS A LIFESAVER. I find myself more tired then normal, taking 2 hour naps almost everyday. As an athlete, i also get tired in the sun. Biggest suggestion, do not start in the summer and wear enough sunscreen. Good Luck, its worth it!

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