Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ian. I am on my second course of roaccutane.

I am on my second course of roaccutane.
I went on my first course about 2 years ago...when I first started my skin dried up but I had major break outs but it got better after the 2nd month or so.

But anyways...when I finished the first course of 6/7 months, my skin was flawless and oil free and it stayed like that for 1 year with just odd pimples once in a while....but about 4/5 months ago, my skin started to get oily again and I started to get a least 4/5 pimples every 2/3 weeks...I have just started on my second course now, on a much lower dose (10 mg/day) and my skin is already a lot better and it didn't become worst before it got better this time around...

I am a toxicologist ( well in 32 days I will be after I graduate)...and I have done a bit of studying on acne and roaccutane...most of the cases of acne can be genetic, if it is genetic, accutane will help you for as long as it is in your system, once it leaves your system, your pimples will come back, because it is in your genes. Accutane can cause severe side effects wehn taken along side other drugs( including alcohol) ALCOHOL IS A DRUG!!!( but legal). Alcohol can affect liver, CNS and kidney and with accutane it can worsen these damage...So I think accutane is as bad as any other drugs if not monitored during treatment.

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