Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jackie. I began taking accutane about a month ago...

I began taking accutane about a month ago. Im 18 and I've had acne for quite a while now. I dont remember the name of my acne, but it scars pretty badly. About two years ago I went to the derm and I was so frigtened by the drug. I ended up refusing to take it. Now a couple years later and trying everything under the sun, I decided to try it. I can't say that it has been the best experince so far. I have back pain, chest pain, chapped lips and a very dry face. My acne has stayed the same, but I'm hoping for the best. Oh, almost forgot to mention that I did have severe headaches every now and then, the first couple weeks. I then found that it was because I wasn't drinking enough. This medication makes you dry on the inside too! I recommend drinking lots of water. I also use polysporin lip treatment (its for cracked lips) and found that it works quite well. The only thing is that you can only use it four times a day, so I also use Aveeno lip chap (works well so far!).

Hope this doesn't scare anyone cause all I have heard are great things after the treatment is finished.

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