Monday, December 13, 2010

Nikki. I've been on accutane for 6 weeks now.

I've had acne for 5 years and this year (my senior year no less) it got really bad. I developed the cystic acne pretty bad. I've been on accutane for 6 weeks now. I've only really experienced the back aches and some soreness in my ankles dry lips and dry hair.. my skin is somewhat dry but def. nothing to complain about. I had a little depression but that was because of my face not the accutane. I had an initial breakout that lasted pretty much my whole first month on accutane. Now I think im starting to slowly clear acne is getting smaller and smaller everyday. I break out a little still but very few tiny bumps. My nose is completely clear of blackheards. I did notice that my scars are a little redder then they were a couple weeks ago..but its nothing horrible.

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